Asian Longbowmen

The longbow is one of the most used and powerful weapons in the history of warfare. It's characteristic is that it's narrow and long, so it requires a lot of drawback to fire. The advantage of such a system is that it fires far far far much longer than a regular (hunting) bow and arrow. Another characteristic feature of the bow is that it's usually as long as the person who is firing it. It was made by a whole range of different materials throughout history: the European yew, oak, hazel, maple, bamboo.

A small group / unit of archers practicing shooting with the longbow.

When you take a number of skilled archers, group them together and order to unleash hell on an enemy down a field, you are pretty much changing the outcome of the battle. The historic facts behind this happening goes from all over medieval Europe across to Asia, where longbow has maintained it's status as a great weapon used to put down the enemy army in a hail of arrows.

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