Nazi Rally

Adolf Hitler had a dramatic and lengthy rise to power filled with different events, after his WW1 political involvement up to the failed beer hall putsch, night of the long knives and beyond. When the Nazi party established themselves, they had to work more on their propaganda and one of the key elements of it were the Nuremberg Rallies. The key goal these meet ups had was to strengthen the Nazi Party image and the cult of personality for Adolf Hitler who was always presented as the savior of the German people.

Members of the NSDAP saluting at their meeting.
The Nazi meet-up on the picture is either from Nuremberg or just any other larger party meeting. The Nuremberg Rally was used for the main propaganda purpose of the party ever since 1923 up to 1939 which was never held because of the German offensive on Poland. Nuremberg was chosen as the rally point / location because it was in the center of Germany and it was well equipped for such large propaganda events.

1 comment:

  1. Scare photo bro maybe Hitler or someone like him will rise again same day world need to be afraid :)
