Badass infantry

Throughout every war, it was established that no matter what do you do, without a good ol' regular infantryman your war efforts were pretty much useless. Infantry is needed on the ground to really secure an area and make it safe for an advancing army to continue. The usage of infantry had pretty grim history. The term "cannon fodder" says it all. Not only that, but the "business" of an infantryman is far more harder, stressful, grittier - all in all much more traumatizing than the rest of the force.

Badass coming through.
The use, or the size, of infantry has declined over the years. Now, the main focus is on a smaller group of well trained soldiers, use of technology, aircraft and similar tools, in the purpose to distant the man from the fight. We can see the process of distancing humans from a fight by using rocks, then swords, then getting even more distance with spears, then arrows, catapults, cannons, rifles up until now where you have a UAV hitting targets and its operator miles way who does not feel the stress of his job, which would have been felt by a soldier in a field.

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